Non-specific IgE antibodies against cross-reactive carbonhydrate determinants (CCDs) are automatically blocked High specificity and lower interpretative burdan
Nano-bead technology Choose from 15 predefined software panels (based on allergen groups) Design your allergen panel via on-demand multiplex features
ELISA-based IgG multiplex assay 286 food antigens from 13 food groups
Nano-bead technology Detection of IgG antibodies (IgG subclasses 1-4) Semi-quantitative results
Design your food antigen panel via
on-demand multiplex features
The connection between food intake, elevated IgG levels and chronic disorders have been described in peer-reviewed publications and case studies. Nonetheless, this connection is still debated in the scientific community and a consensus has not been reached thus far.
The MADx processing systems are connected to a cloud-based software solution in real time. Data can be anaylsed and managed 24/7.
Easy to use
The MADx processing systems are characterised through this easy handling. After a short training period, MADX systems and software can be operated easily.
Higher specificity through molecular allergens
MADx offers the widest panel of molecular allergens (178) on one array. This is unique to this allergy test and increases the specificity compared to the exclusive use of allergen extracts.
The different MADx processing systems were built considering your needs. From high throughput to low throughput, from a lot of lab space to no space at all – we will make sure that one of the MADx systems is the perfect solution for your individual situation.
Fully automated or manual systems available
Up to 48 samples manually in one run, or process up to 10 and 50 samples respectively (automatically)